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PADI eLearning - Fiji Scuba Diving

PADI eLearning


eLearning is designed to be convenient and easy-to-use. You will be able to access eLearning anywhere you have a PC with an Internet connection. Also, you will be able to complete eLearning entirely on your own schedule–there are no class times or places to meet. eLearing will keep track of your progress, and you can begin again where you left-off last time.

eLearning utilizes multimedia and communications resources available on the Internet to enhance the experience of learning how to dive.

This includes:

  • Multimedia content, including pictures and video clips.
  • Links to more-detailed explanations of relevant information.
  • Instant feedback on quizzes and tests (the Website will correct your tests for you, and indicate the correct answer if you did not select it).
  • Contact with dive instructors from the dive center you are affiliated with.
  • A narrator, to read the course information aloud to you.
  • Access to dive tables.
  • Links to equipment knowledge and understanding (e.g. defogger and an extra strap to consider also buying when buying a new mask).

eLearning will challenge you to master (and, through testing, demonstrate) course material. Through lessons and evaluations, you will deal with the information in eLearning much the same way you would with the traditional dive courses (taught with a workbook). As with traditional classroom dive instruction, passing scores on quizzes and tests will be required to complete the current eLearning program.

The courses are not without a little bit of fun, though, too – the multimedia content helps to keep things lively and interesting.

Because Mad Fish Dive Centre is a full service PADIDive Centre, all of the information presented ineLearning is the same as what you would receive from Mad Fish Dive Centre instructors in the classroom and in the water. For this reason, progress made in eLearning will be applicable toward classes (e.g. Open Water Diver, Part I) offered at our dive centre.

Throughout your eLearning experience, you will have contact withMad Fish Dive Centre instructors (if you choose to affiliate with our dive centre when you register). Our instructors will have access to your test information, and they will be able to offer feedback and advice where needed.

A subscription to eLearning lasts for one year.

To explore PADI eLearning further, click on the link below. You will be directed to the PADI Website in a new window.

Sign Up for the PADI Open Water Diver Course Online

To be in-contact with Mad Fish Dive Centre @ Matava instructors while you take eLearning, be sure to select “Matava” when you register!

Returning eLearning Users: click on this link:

Sign In to PADI eLearning

Note that the only class currently offered by PADI eLearning is the classroom portion of PADI Open Water Diver (Part I) .

Also note that eLearning does not count toward the pool portion ofOpen Water Diver.